Monday, April 19, 2021

Funny Beauty Pageant Answers

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  • [DOWNLOAD] Funny Beauty Pageant Answers | HOT!

    To give them their due, beauty contestants have many fine attributes. Attributes that I didn't possess even at That's okay, though. As I said, being a "miss" anything has never appealed to me. That's a good thing, or I'd feel like a complete...

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    As long as she doesn't open her mouth except to sing her little aria she's on the fast track to the crown. Then comes the perfect storm of a drawing the wrong judge, who b asks a loaded, seemingly impossible-to-answer-correctly question Just like...

  • Jinkee Pacquiao 1995 Photo During Her College Beauty Queen Days

    Possibly the best response in the history of pageants! But then I'd run into ethical problems. I couldn't in good conscience sell my answers to some contestants but not others. So I've decided instead to post them here, where they are accessible to all. If I'm able to save even one beauty queen from embarrassment, it will have been worth it! So here they are, for your edification that means learning. Mighty Mom's all-purpose, never-fail answers to the most common questions asked by pageant judges! Answer 1: Political Hot Potato If you are asked about a controversial topic, do NOT inject inject means impose -- oops, I mean "say" what you personally believe. It's a TRAP! For example, in Perez Hilton asked Miss California about legalizing gay marriage. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand where Mssrs. Hilton and Nunez "might" be coming from. Stay positive.

  • The 10 Dumbest Beauty Queen Answers To Simple Questions

    Smile pretty and say something completely innocuous that means innocent or devoid empty, or lacking of any hint of meaning or slant. Here's a good sound bite that should fit most politically charged questions: "I'm so proud to be an American. America is a country where everyone is created equal. From the very beginning America was founded by people seeking to live how they wanted to live -- in freedom. Every American deserves the opportunity to live happy and free.

  • 6 Worst Beauty Pageant Responses In The History Of Miss America

    It shows that you are patriotic. It shows your understanding of the Constitution. Even if you have no understanding of the Constitution, people will think you do. It steers adeptly away from any stereotyping, bigotry, racial profiling or discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Trust me on this one. It's also inoffensive to any atheist judges, as it does not mention the word "God. If the judge is MALE, chances are pretty good that he believes in equality of the sexes, too.

  • Philippine Beauty Pageant: Blunders And Bloopers During Question And Answer Portion

    After all, it's Here's a suggested all-purpose answer: "I believe women and men are not the same, but they are equal. Everyone deserves the opportunity to be the best they can be. I am grateful for the women who came before me. Without them, there would not be as many doors open to me and other women today. It doesn't slam men. It hints at, but does not actually say "feminists" or "suffragettes" or "women's lib" or any other hot button terms associated with women fighting for the rights they should have had all along, but didn't because of our aggressively paternalistic that means favorable to men over women society. Of course this is complete BS, but it sure sounds good! Answer 3: Most Admired Person One of the most perennially that means every year popular questions is "Who do you most admire? In fact, don't even say the person you really most admire -- unless that person happens to fit my criteria. It is best to avoid people in the following categories: 1.

  • Top 10 Dumbest Answers In An International Beauty Contest Every Pinoy Can Learn From

    But watch them falter as the question and answer portion comes… Many contestants are feeling tremendous pressure to come up with the right answers… which, of course, turn awkward and unintelligible. They are even hard-pressed to answer even the simplest questions from the judges! These beauties may not win the crown because of that, but they made headlines anyway but for the wrong reasons. Why do you think this is? For our children. Looks like Miss South Carolina was clearly in a haze and did not comprehend the question completely! Maybe she should brush up her geography knowledge. Although she brought an interpreter, Miss Venezuela chose to answer in rather broken English, anyway. Like many other contestants, she did not comprehend the question clearly.

  • 10 Most Dumb Answers Given By Beauty Queens

    Q: If you could make a new law, what would it be and explain why? A: I think that any leys laws there are in Constitution or in life, are already made. I think that we should have, uh, a straight way to go in our similar, or, eh, in laughs our lives as is this. So please do our only, eh, law that we can do. Thank you Vegas! As a result, Miss Venezuela got zero points from that portion. But despite that, she placed third overall. Had she chosen to answer in her native Spanish, it might have saved her from this embarrassment, or even come out as the winner. What do you think? What does it say about society? A: I think we can relay this back to education, and how we are…. That is the biggest problem and I think especially the men are, ehm, seen as the leaders of this so we need to try to figure out how to… create education better so that we can solve this problem. Thank you. A human being with emotions is not one of the choices! Q: If you could be either water or fire, which would you be and why?

  • Pageant Interview Questions

    And maybe she loves the beach too much. Miss Hawaii: From the rocky shores of… Hawaii …to the beautiful sandy beaches of… Hawaii … America is our home. Q: Among the five senses, what do you prefer to have if you could only have one, and why? A: Thank you for that wonderful question. Because seeing is the best sense that we can ever see… because seeing is believing, and believing until you see is perfect. And, um, out of all senses, um, seeing, could really more hand gestures … Be wonderful because thank you. That would be it.

  • Best Beauty Pageant Answers

    The pageant will include a swimsuit, evening gown, and interview portion, and will air on Reelz Channel, a cable network that picked up the program after NBC and Univision dropped it. Of course, the highlight will be the interview section, because the past few years have brought contestants some of the worst beauty pageant interview questions so far. The idea of the interview portion of the Miss USA competition is noble. It gives the women the opportunity to speak about their passions and attempts to prove that Miss USA is about more than looks. There's no doubt that accomplished women compete in the pageant, and they all dedicate months to preparing for it. Once they finally get to the penultimate interview, though, they're usually asked questions that range from inane to insanely difficult. Contestants answer questions about topics ranging from current events to women's issues. Ever since Caitlin Upton's viral gaffe at the Miss Teen USA pageant in , judges have increased the difficulty of their questions, maybe in an effort to recreate the famous video.

  • Beauty Pageant Titles

    This year's questions will surely involve controversial topics, so in preparation for Sunday's contest, here's four of the most awkward interview situations contestants have already been in. To choose between looks and smarts At the Miss Philippines contest, Jeanie Anderson was asked to decide if she would rather have beauty or brainpower. Admittedly, it's been 15 years since this question was asked, and the world of pageant interview questions has slightly improved. But at the same time, it's an awkward question to ask at a beauty pageant of all places.

  • 10 Worst Beauty Pageant Answers Of All Time

    As Ranker points out , this is made more ironic by the fact that Anderson and all the contestants had to wear bikinis while they answered their questions. To answer the same question as other contestants The awkward part about it was that the contestants were all on stage, so they had to put on noise-blocking headphones unless they were answering. The logistics of this meant lots of awkward silences and made the interview section even more uncomfortable than usual.

  • Most Hilarious Beauty Pageant Answers

    The Miss America contestant remained surprisingly calm, given the serious nature of the question. Quizzing contestants on current events is usually a good idea, especially given that they're interacting with the public every day. However, setting a second time limit is virtually setting them up for failure. Garrett's answer, which stressed that ISIS is a global problem and must be solved through cooperation, barely fit into the time limit. John Oliver poked fun of the second limit and beauty pageants in general in a hilarious spoof pageant interview. To be prepared to answer questions about Syria or twerking at the drop of a hat Movies and television constantly spoof beauty pageants and the softball questions judges sometimes throw at contests.

  • Beauty Pageant Question And Answers

    The classic Miss Congeniality "Please describe your idea of a perfect date," comes to mind. As the questions become more serious, contestants have no idea what to expect. A perfect example is the Miss America contest, where Miss California and Miss Oklahoma were asked vastly different questions. The first, for Miss California, was "The U. It's a terrible crime, but is it our responsibility to punish them for it? What do you think? Is it just Miley expressing herself artistically, or Miley please what are you thinking? The Miss USA pageant will surely bring a new round of cringeworthy questions, but hopefully judges won't repeat these mistakes.

  • Beauty Pageant Questions And Answers

    Beauty and brains? It's been 60 years since the beauty pageant was first aired on TV, bringing gorgeous waving women to American audiences and inspiring competitor show, Miss USA. Advertisement With both, came some laughs from regrettable answers during the interview portion of the shows. Why do you think this is? The video of Upton's response has been viewed over 63 million times on YouTube and has inspired countless parodies. She, somehow, still managed to place fourth in the competition. I was raised in a family to know right from wrong and politics, whether or not you fall in the middle, the left or the right, it's an issue of integrity," she said Her evasive answer did not push her too far back in the judge's graces. She was named a second runner-up in the competition. Advertisement Leah Cecil Miss California tried to tackle her question with honesty. While competing for Miss America , Cecil was asked her thoughts on legalizing euthanasia during a pre-pageant interview for ABC.

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    Cecil and her made-up vaccine did not make it into the Top Nadine Tanega Miss Hawaii went all out representing her home-state. While competing at the Miss World America, Tanega was asked to explain why she was proud to be an American. From the rocky shores of Hawaii to the beautiful sandy beaches of Hawaii, America is our home," she said. She placed as a third runner-up. Marissa Powell When in doubt, some contestants take the education route. She was asked: "Yet they continue to earn less than men. What does this say about society? Powell did win "Most Photogenic," so there's that. Giosue Cozzarelli Panamanian beauty Giosue Cozzarelli was confused. She was asked to explain the Confucius quote, "Learning without thought is labor lost. Japanese who was one of the most ancient," she said in Spanish.

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    TNN Jul 10, , We share some of the bloopers beauty queens have committed at International Pageants over the years. Why do you think this is? Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some. She became an internet sensation thanks to her incoherent ramble. Hail Hawaii! From the rocky shores of … Hawaii…to the beautiful sandy beaches of … Hawaii … America is our home. But being smart you can learn In all fairness, let us try to understand or rather guess what she actually wanted to say.

  • Most Awkward Beauty Pageant Answers | Miss America FAILS

    Nonetheless, not a smart answer! Not an impressive one there! She, however, bagged the 2nd-runner up position in the Miss USA And explain why. I think that we should have, uh, a straight way to go in our similar, or, eh, in our lives as is this. For example, I'm a surfer, and I think that the best wave that I can take is the wave that I wait for it. So please do our only, eh, law that we can do. Thank you, Vegas! Alive or dead? Athlete by heart: Miss India Madhu Sapre at Miss Universe Question: "If you became the leader of your country tomorrow, what is the first thing you would do? Madhu Sapre had later in an interview said that she was being truthful and candid. Her answer was guided by her identity as an athlete who wanted better facilities for sports-persons in her country. She lost the crown to Miss Namibia and was declared the second runner up.

  • Wheel Of Fortune Before And After | Answers

    TNN Jul 10, , We share some of the bloopers beauty queens have committed at International Pageants over the years. Why do you think this is? Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some. She became an internet sensation thanks to her incoherent ramble. Hail Hawaii! From the rocky shores of … Hawaii…to the beautiful sandy beaches of … Hawaii … America is our home. But being smart you can learn In all fairness, let us try to understand or rather guess what she actually wanted to say. Nonetheless, not a smart answer!

  • Beauty Pageant Question Answer - TuttoBiliardo

    Not an impressive one there! She, however, bagged the 2nd-runner up position in the Miss USA And explain why. I think that we should have, uh, a straight way to go in our similar, or, eh, in our lives as is this. For example, I'm a surfer, and I think that the best wave that I can take is the wave that I wait for it. So please do our only, eh, law that we can do. Thank you, Vegas! Alive or dead? Athlete by heart: Miss India Madhu Sapre at Miss Universe Question: "If you became the leader of your country tomorrow, what is the first thing you would do? Madhu Sapre had later in an interview said that she was being truthful and candid. Her answer was guided by her identity as an athlete who wanted better facilities for sports-persons in her country. She lost the crown to Miss Namibia and was declared the second runner up.

  • Kylie Versoza Answers If She’s Related To Gardo Versoza, Denies The Theory

    Every item on this page was chosen by a Woman's Day editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy. WD rounded up the funniest pageant answers to be found on the Internet. While some make no sense and others just make you cringe, they're all sure to make you laugh. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

  • The Most Beautiful Winners Of Miss Universe, Ranked

    Miss Hawaii Nadine Tanega's strategy at the Miss World America pageant must've been "when in doubt, mention Hawaii" because that's the only state she could think of when asked why she's proud to be an American. From the rocky shores of…Hawaii…to the beautiful sandy beaches of…Hawaii…America is our home. Who wouldn't be nervous answering a question onstage in a bikini? But you'd still think Miss Philippines contestant Jeanie Anderson would know better than to admit she prefers beauty over brains. Asked "If you could be beautiful and not so smart, or brilliant and not so beautiful, what would you be and why? But being smart you can learn At the Miss Universe pageant, Miss Serbia and Montenegro, Sanja Papic, was asked, "If you could be either water or fire, which would you be and why?

  • 15 Worst Beauty Pageant Answers Of All Time - Insider Monkey

    Say Wha? This content is imported from YouTube. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and uh, I believe that our, uh, education like such as, uh, in South Africa, and uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should, uhhh, our education over here in the U. But we think host Mario Lopez should get his own award for sort of keeping a straight face during her answer. Accentuate the Positive This content is imported from YouTube. During the Miss Alabama pageant, when contestant Jen Gilbert was asked, "Who should be held accountable for the prison abuse scandal in Iraq," she mustered the most innocuous answer possible, saying: "I believe that um… that our President and the people of our country are doing all we can to help Iraq and I just believe that the prisoners that were held in Iraq should… I just believe that we should do our best to help… to help reach our goal in that country.

  • The Stupidest Beauty Pageant Answers | Did You Know Fashion

    Despite mumbling a series of apologies for not being able to answer the question, "What role did your family play for you as candidate in Miss Binibining Pilipinas? Perhaps it was her explanation of why she couldn't answer—"This was really my first pageant ever because I am 17 years old. I did not expect that I came from one of the top 10"—that won the judges over in the end. I was raised in a family to know right from wrong and politics, whether or not you fall in the middle, the left or the right, it's an issue of integrity, no matter what your opinion is, and I say that with the utmost conviction. We don't know when or where this Junior Miss pageant occurred, but all we know is this contestant needs to brush up on her American history.

  • Beauty And Brains? The 7 Worst Responses In Pageant-show History

    When asked, "What is the most important event in our nation's history? This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.

  • Jinkee Pacquiao Photo During Her College Beauty Queen Days

    Beauty Pageant Question And Answers Beauty pageants are about finding the right combination of confidence and belief in yourself. The magnanimity of these pageants can seem horrifying. But, put aside your worries for now, and take a few notes from these beauty pageant questions and answers to prepare for the big day. This question and guide has helped over contestants win both local and international contest and this could be what you need to emerge the next winner in your pageant of choice. Beauty pageants aren't just about putting on a pretty dress and smiling, as evidenced by these 50 common beauty pageant questions and answers There may be some that are extremely easy to answer and others that are a bit more challenging and require more thought.

  • Beauty Pageant Interview Questions And Answers Tips

    They'll be great practice These pageant questions were then put into a massive list to look for what questions were repeated most commonly. For our Question of the Day, we In this report, I chose not to give the answers to the pageant questions as I would answer them because what I have found in the past is that when The beauty pageant is a cultural phenomenon in which women are judged on their physical beauty, talent, personality, and their answers to judges' questions. Did you know these fun facts and interesting bits of information?

  • The 4 Most Awkward Beauty Pageant Questions

    This category is for questions and answers related to Beauty Pageants, as asked by users of FunTrivia. Accuracy: A team of editors takes Pageant interview questions are one of the important factors that will lead your way to the crowning ceremony. These questions are asked by a panel of judges in a beauty pageant competition. The question and answer round is usually conducted towards the end of contest. These pageant questions and answers are your first chance towards making an impression on the public at large. They build confidence in you, and push you Answering the questions with honesty and keeping your goals in mind will show them a confident side of you. Good luck beauty queen! A put your answer. Questions like that.

  • Funny Questions To Ask At A Joke/spoof Beaty Pageant? | Yahoo Answers

    Usually in pageants you fill out a sheet about your self. What are the best beauty pageant questions and answers of all time? How do I introduce myself in beauty pageant? If your answer are very structured in general type of questions, you will sound rehearsed and that's not a good thing. It may sound and look like you know what you're saying without You are expected to answer properly the questions for the pageant, with good words and your sentences need to be constructed well. A lot will become obvious from here. Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers By now, you've probably heard about the wide range of answers this year's Miss USA contestants gave in response to their final questions of the night.

  • Beauty Pageant Contestant's Response To Question Is Refreshingly Honest

    The following 10 contestants throughout beauty pageant history all fell prey to major goofs, gaffes, and fumbles during their interview portions as well. Page 1 Page 2 beauty pageant question and pdf A child beauty pageant is a beauty contest featuring contestants under 16 years of age. Competition categories may include talent, interview, sportswear, casual wear, swim wear, western wear, theme wear, outfit of choice, decade wear Beauty pageant questions,? How does involvement in sports affects a student's life or well being? If u win this beauty pageant and be crowned as ms. When answering beauty-pageant questions, be polite and smile and make an introduction to buy time for a question that is confusing. Answer beauty-pageant 5. Answer as many questions as you want, but put the right number in front of your answer so we know what you're answering.

  • The Stupidest Beauty Pageant Answers

    Things to keep in mind 1. Beauty pageant contestants are on a stage. It's sort of like a live debate, except that you only get to speak once, an nobody gets to respond to you Pageant questions vary widely in specifics. Judges are generally not expecting a profound answer to every question, but they do expect contestants to answer honestly and thoughtfully. No matter what the question is, the contestant should do her best to stay poised, open and truthful.

  • Funny Questions To Ask At A Joke/spoof Beaty Pageant....?

    Im looking for the most stupid and silly beauty pageant questions were just having this pageant at work and im assigned to formulate the questions.. Are you competing in a beauty pageant? The interview portion of the competition is the most important. I answered questions rapidfire, one after the other, and received immediate feedback. It helped correct bad habits like using filler words and reinstating the question to buy myself time to 8 Hilarious Beauty Pageant Answers. Tell us: How would you answer the following beauty pageant questions? Beauty pageants can be a great way to gain self confidence, discipline, tenacity, and be a great chance to earn prize money and scholarship opportunities. Depending on the pageant, you may be asked to include answers to open-ended questions in your resume. Those questions might be Beauty contest answers are colloquially seen as a variation of a "standard" response that can be summarized in two words: world peace.

  • Michelle Pfeiffer Shares Throwback From Modeling Competition Days: 'we All Gotta Start Somewhere'

    Here's how they did Answer: "Nowadays we live in an era in which we have advanced greatly. Beauty pageants are not just about beauty, they are about sensitivity and about Nnewi beauty pageant postponed to December. At the contest, all the girls who participated failed to answer questions fielded by the sponsor of the event Ifeanyi Ubah. Are beauty pageants good or bad? Should children be entered into beauty pageants?

  • Beauty Pageants Trivia Questions & Answers : Entertainment

    Do you think one gender or group worries more about beauty What makes someone beautiful in your country? What differs between that idea and the American idea of beauty? What do you think "beauty is skin Beauty pageants are ridiculous. Beauty pageants are very exciting. Do you want to know how anyone else answered the questions? Question: Right now there is a protest going on right outside here calling the Miss Universe Pageant disrespectful of women. Convince them they are wrong. Answer: "I think pageants like the Miss Universe pageant gives us young women a platform to foray in the fields that we want to and forge ahead, be it entrepreneurship, be it the armed force, be it politics.

  • Beauty Pageants Trivia And Quizzes

    The question round in a beauty pageant is one of great importance; it is in this round that the potential winners are chosen based on their answers. Pageant Questions About Education. While most interview and on stage questions in beauty pageant are always on environment, tourism, fashion and even politics, there are still sometime judges come up with a twist and ask you questions related to education. Here are some of my favourite answers. If a man from the moon landed in your hometown, what would you do to entertain him? These pageant questions were then put into a massive A beauty pageant is a competition in which participants compete for a determination that one of them is the most physically attractive.

  • WATCH: 6 Most Memorable Miss Universe Q&As

    See more ideas about Pageant questions, Pageant, Pageant interview. What three words best describe you? How do you define success? If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be and why? What is y Bu today, we are looking at some of the worst beauty pageant answers of all time. When you compete at a pageant one of the most important part is the question moment. A beauty pageant is a celebration of beauty, yes, but being a beauty queen is not just about a pretty face.

  • EPub South Carolina Beauty Pageant Answer Download

    You will have to prove how smart you are. To help contestants for this important conversation with the judges below you can discover a list of questions. To learn how to answer beauty pageant questionscontact Pageant Coach Ritika Ramtri of The Tiara Pageant Training Studio, Pune , India on Beauty pageant contestants try their best to be cool and poised all throughout the competition. But watch them falter as the question and answer portion comes Many contestants are feeling tremendous pressure to come up with the right answers which, of course, turn awkward and unintelligible. Since she was discovered at a beauty competition, Star Magic asked Alonzo typical pageant questions, like her definition of success, to what she plans to do if she wins the crown, and what she thinks is the essence of being a woman. Here are some sample questions that are quite common in pageants.

  • 8 Hilarious Beauty Pageant Answers | Beauty Pageant Questions, Beauty Pageant, Pageant Questions

    They are great examples of questions that you may want to think about, have a position on, or be knowledgeable about. A professional communicator advises how to answer 'loaded' questions and avoid disaster. If Olivia had answered otherwise, she would have been lashed out here and there after the pageant that might have caused her chances in winning the Miss USA crown. We also have some nice answers lined up. You will love hearing all of them! If God granted you a single wish, what would that be? Sample Beauty Pageant Interview Questions. This is a sample of beauty pageant interview questions that can be found in the Pageant Preps Book. The book, which is included as a free bonus with our exclusive interview with a beauty pageant, contains 1, sample beauty pageant interview questions Top 10 Beauty Pageant Questions and How To Answer Them — You want to participate in beauty pageants right? You must have known that one of the major features of the beauty pageantry programs is the question and answer sections.

  • 10 Most Dumb Answers Given By Beauty Queens At Beauty Pageants

    Sometimes, what makes one a winner from a first loser is the ability to answer questions from the judges. Here are 10 ladies who were asked some twisted questions at beauty pageants, and their answers will prove how beautiful they really are. These women are truly beautiful! Along with the swimsuit round, which is the most popular round in beauty pageants, the question and answer round is also equally awaited by the audience. This round is designed to test the intelligence, the presence of mind and also what the model thinks about certain issues. The Beauty Pageant Interview Questions session is the time to talk about your passions, your likes, your beliefs and your love for something or another. Depending on the Pageant that you compete in, many of the pageant interview questions will be related to your goals, beliefs, platform if you're an adult.

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